Wednesday, December 5, 2012
These rules we played in December
It's time to put on slippers, fire in the fireplace, and take it with crushing tranquility.
I do not know about you, but I'm happy. Very happy. There is something about reaching December that makes me think "Yes! I did it. " I got me through even a year with an absurd amount of game that should preferably kikast on. Even though I've missed as much as I have with me, so it should only be missing. With all the massive game that has been launched in the past, it is not surprising that the brain requires a rest.
November has as usual been an intense month for anyone with a medium of great interest for the game. Microsoft has turned us into the ground with the fantastic Halo 4, current players have been flocking around Black Ops II gadfly around wet thighs on a hot summer, we slunk through the shadows in Hitman: Absolution, and we have allowed ourselves to be fascinated by the tropical island landscape in FarCry 3.
Not least, we have served a completely new console from Nintendo, and I see the me that konsollkrigane who had just calmed down soon flared up again with solid power.
A good november in other words. Probably you have the similarity with me not had chance to get through everything, and therefore it is the fun that December faith tradition does not offer quite the same intensity. We will of course served some exciting games, but the terrain offers primarily uncertain and questionable date for games that could easily fall into the next calendar year.
Gandalf show their best sides.
Guardians of Middle-earth
Platform: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Out: 4 December
With over 30 million players only with free game League of Physician is no doubt that the MOBA genre mildly enormous. It was therefore only a matter of time before the genre took the road to the console. At the first game out while handsome in Lord of the Rings Costume injuries probably not sales figures.
If you are unfamiliar with MOBA genre is it simply that several heroes gang up together to fight against each other. New properties and equipment are purchased and upgraded, and the steady pace squeeze the one made out the other. The Guardians of Middle-earth will you take on the role of many different characters from Tolkien's universe, and all have unique characteristics that can be upgraded. Can MOBA genre take consoles with equally large and powerful storm that PC audience?
Read more about the Guardians of Middle-earth
Yes please.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragon Born
Platform: Xbox 360
Out: 4 December
If you thought you were the only dragon born you took mistaken. In Dragonborn we nørkontakt with it all the first-born dragon guy, and he's not very happy. Naturally enough there will be trouble of such, but on the positive side, we get a new adventure as a consequence. In Dragon Born expansion to Skyrim, we travel to the island of Solstheim which we previously could also visit the Morrowind expansion Bloodmoon.
Here we meet both old and new, both in terms of environment, enemies and equipment. Among other things, we will again take on the chitin-armor from Morrowind. The island offers several towns, and lots of caves to explore. In Dragonborn should also be able temje dragons, and we have only cross my fingers that we can set us on the back their efforts to splash some fire on poor under us.
Read more on The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragon Born
It will be a good July
The Book of Unwritten Tales: The Critter Chronicles
Platform: PC, Mac
Out: 5 December
Only a year after The Book of Unwritten Tales appeared in English, oppfølgjaren in place. If it keeps the same level as the original, we can expect leaking 2D graphics, solid puzzles, and much good humor. In The Critter Chronicles, we get the story of what happened before The Book of Unwritten Tales, especially when how the main character Nate Bonnett met his follow sven Critter.
Oppfølgjaren promises to offer better graphics, especially in the form of better facial animation, and even more humor. Authors promise a solid speletid at around ten hours, and you can adjust the difficulty by how experienced you are with adventure games. Is puzzles all you live and andar of you can hone up on even greater challenges than those who do not mind endures the journey twirl around like that.
Read more about The Book of Unwritten Tales: The Critter Chronicles
Creepy caves in Darkfall.
Dark Fall Unholy Wars
Platform: PC
Outside: 12 December
If you recognize the name Dark Fall is not so strange. Originally, there were a Norwegian project that later was moved to Greece. Dark Fall Unholy Wars is an attempt to revive the game again, make it into something quite unique. There is no question of dividing the game into individual zones. It all happens on a massive site where everyone plays together.
The focus lies on the players, and how they relate to each other. This involves much more a typical matches where you play against each other. Here you form clans, armies, cities, and operates large-scale warfare. Authors claim that several thousand players will be able to fight against each other simultaneously, and if nothing else, it should be quite a sight. The plan was Darfall Unholy Wars discharged in November, but received a handy little postponement so that it is out just in time for the Christmas holiday.
Read more about Darfall Unholy Wars
Dust 514 could be very interesting.
At the Barn sit Claus
As usual this is not all that discharged during the month ahead of us, but the rest of the dates for December are largely uncertain. We sit with several games that has no precise date rivets, and could easily end up having to go under the radar, or glide over in 2013. However, we have some mention worthy game to take on the list.
Although it is one of many games without exact date is Uncharted: Fight for Fortune a somewhat interesting concept. The total breaking with the former played in the series and will have us playing cards instead of firing pistol. If you've played Uncharted: Golden Abyss, you can use objects you've found there as bonuses in Fight for Fortune. It remains to see if this gets unfair advantages.
If you are looking for Christmas gifts might Mass Effect Trilogy be an option. In this rollup package for PlayStation 3 we get for the very first time playing the first Mass Effect DFUW gold game on Sony say machine. If you cry yourself to sleep every night because you only have PlayStation 3, you can wipe a few tears now.
If we are lucky PlayStation 3 owners even more romaction to enjoy themselves since EVE Online Affair Dust 514 hopefully will be ready to launch once during the month. This shooting game takes place in the same universe as EVE, and it is not everything. Spaceship in EVE can fire missiles against players in Dust 514, and it is only one of the ways these two played can influence each other on. We expect the decoy.
Undercover is enough cue for many of those waiting to Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition will show up on our tablet. The game is finally released on the PC, but the iPad, Mac and Android lets wait for him. To not have this gem ready before Christmas had been as bitter as to cancel the annual Christmas party shallows floods, storms and power failures. By own experience I can tell you that it's a feeling you do not want to taste.
Happy Christmas!
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