Sunday, December 9, 2012

Darkfall Unholy Wars dev diary addresses alterations to the clan program

Another Darkfall Unholy Wars dev blog hit the interwebs today, this one focusing on the countless adjustments to the clan procedure that will be coming with the game's reboot. One of the biggest tweaks to the procedure is in the way that clan ranks will operate. Previously, a player's clan rank (& corresponding clan privileges) was dependant on the number of enemy clan members killed. This will no longer be the case in Darkfall Unholy Wars gold, which will instead allow clan leaders to set the ranks & privileges of each member, consequently allowing more control over who has the capacity to invite new members, access the clan vault, and so on.

The old clan rank system will still exist nevertheless will be known as military rank & will have no bearing on a player's privileges. Additionally, the founder & leader of the clan are no longer tied together, so the clan's creator can conveniently transfer leadership to a further member.

Aventurine also desires to "give clans a further sense of ownership over the world," so the studio is implementing a strategy that will "link villages to nearby clan holdings." By improving the rewards for village ownership, the team hopes that clans will consolidate their energy so creating more border conflicts as clans attempt to stretch their reach. Aventurine realizes that villages "have on the whole been hot-spots for PvP activities," though, so a resource-stealing mechanic is also being added. This will permit any DFUW gold player to steal resource rewards from a clan-controlled village, which indicates that clans will are obliged to keep close watch over their domain to ensure that they receive all of their rightfully earned resources.

For further details, find out more about the video below.

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