Monday, December 24, 2012

Darkfall Unholy Wars game role

Elementalist: The elementalist is a magic user which focus on elemental magic. The elementalist is able to use 2 non-opposing schools. Elementalist spells have an AoE. Elementalists have the lowest HPs but have the highest base damage and the most magical points.

Primalists:Primalists are the support class in darkfall. They rely on "Buffs" and "Debuffs", healing and draining abilities. Primalists are one of the most important class when it comes to group fighting. Their main gears are robes and staves. The primalist is able to use 2 non-opposing schools.

Skirmishers:Skirmishers are hybrids, they rely both on melee and archery making them extremely versatile. Skirmishers relies on "FPS" skill more then any other class as most of their attacks do not have AoEs. Their main gear are: melee weapons, Bows and medium armor.

Warrior:The warrior is the ultimate melee fighter. He relies heavily on defense and gap-closing abilities. They are not as versatile as elementalists or skirmishers. Their main gear are heavy armors and strong melee weapons. They are able to be both a heavy damage dealer or the tank.

More info about Darkfall Unholy Wars gold at

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