Thursday, January 10, 2013

Beta forums are up, Link accounts sign NDA go go go

Title says it all. New lobby, new forums, NDA probably up too (haven't seen it yet) beta here we come

To link your account to the beta forums login here go to your profile, link your Darkfall Unholy Wars gold Forums account at the bottom. Beta forums are on the Darkfall forums that we all use and love.

I thought the beta was supposed to start on the 17th, another missed deadline, or just more misinformation.

Yes it was supposed to start the 17th they delayed all day chasing some bug and couldnt replicate it so they are releasing it to the public now.  Should be going live here shortly.

They missed it by a few hours due to a persistence bug (so they claimed). I actually think they didn't lie about this one because their recent update was "screw the presisentce bug, its beta" after serveral posts on the forums said as much.

No troll, I obviously can't link it to you becuase there isn't an official post by AV on the subject (as I'm typiing this there isn't). But if you have a beta account you can link your forum account to your DFUW gold account and get access to the beta forums, the new lobby is being downloaded by everyone as we speek as well (slow as hell though).

More info at :

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