Thursday, January 24, 2013

Darkfall Unholy Wars 'in the final stretch for launch'

OK, Darkfall fans. Aventurine has made it officially official. Darkfall 2.0, formerly known as Darkfall 2010, is now known as Darkfall Unholy Wars. It's in simple terms a brand-new game born of the dev team's frustrations with trying to update the original title & recognize the full scope of their vision for a PvP-centric fantasy MMO.

"We're in the final stretch for launch right now," says AV's Tasos Flambouras. "We are assessing the game internally & it's in an incredibly playable state."

AV has released a brand new video interview detailing the new title. The clip runs for more or less 6 minutes and shows off behind-the-scenes footage along with a couple talking head interview snippets. There is also a glimpse of the new game's GUI, the original version of which was a lengthy-standing thorn in the side of Darkfall fans since the 1st Darkfall Unholy Wars gold game's 2009 release. See for yourself after the cut.

[Update]: A brand new AV blog post confirms the Unholy Wars launch date as November 20th.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

New Darkfall dev diary vid talks art direction, Unholy Wars adjustments

So Darkfall 1.0 has come & gone, as Aventurine has officially closed the servers in preparation for the Unholy Wars reboot. The firm has also released a five-minute dev diary video featuring creative lead Adam Oikonomopoulos, who talks at length concerning the game's art direction updates & AV's expanded creative vision.

The video boasts a bunch of fly-by way of shots that show off Agon's new textures, higher polygon counts, & improved shaders, a number of of which are a marked improvement over the originals (that date back to the game's genesis in 2002 in a lot of instances).

Oikonomopoulos also mentions that Unholy Wars and the original Darkfall are set "many hundred years apart," which accounts for much of the adjustments in each the landscape and the Darkfall Unholy Wars gold game's architecture.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Darkfall Unholy Wars: I'm Happy For the Wrong Reasons

I needed this delay so that they can take MORE then the already 45 days to respond to my email about the loss of my USERNAME.
It's crazy to think I've gotta jump through hoops to find my username..  I have my email account,  I have a reset password sent to it, but can't figure out my username.. hah.. It's sad.
Their customer service is SO patheticly bad.  I have never seen a company ignore one aspect of their buisness so blatenly.

More fan Boi Plz!
Your right.. Why should a Company have to have a custom service department?  Netowrk engineers dont do customer service, and designers don't do customer service.
I would like to try their second try at this, but I wont buy a new Darkfall Unholy Wars gold game.. There a DOZENS of threads like this one on THIER tech support forum too.. its terrible.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Darkfall Unholy Wars: What is the 1st factor you will do once you log in ?

I think I will start gathering resources the moment I log in! (lets hope the servers wont be flooded because I think there are a way more folks going to play then they anticipate!)

I'm brand new to this franchise too, and I couldn't be more excited. I think it will help new players to have a absolutely different mindset with this game. Logging in and contemplating this game as an MMO is virtually a mistake, & might set a good deal of newcomers up for disappointment
I plan to treat it like a hardcore FPS game, where I am dropped directly into a war zone. Even though I'm a major MMORPG fan nowadays, I've been an FPS gamer since the early 90's, so going in with that mindset from the get-go will likely be benificial. Also, being willing to die, a lot, is key. I do not see that as a poor factor at all, since it is what this Darkfall Unholy Wars gold game is information on.

Paragus made a really outstanding point in his MMOSmackTalk interview when he mentioned that people shouldn't quit when this game isn't going thier way. This is a game where you & your clan can spend months or even a year plus building an empire, and then have it all taken away from you only to be left sleeping in the gutters or whoring yourself out to other players that you need profits & help from. On that same token, it's a game where smaller clans may lose their properties fairly frequently, especially in the early days before alliances are etablished. Solo players will be swimming upstream the complete time, nevertheless can still make a name for themselves in combat. This isn't a touchy-feely game where factors are handed to you. You've pry what you want from the cold, dead hands of your enemies.

On the flip side, it is a game with emerging gameplay, incorporating epic player politics. In case you play your cards right, you could make your mark, and it will be glorious. I'm looking forward to the ups & downs of this DFUW gold game, such as the combat learning curve where I anticipate to die a lot in beginning, nevertheless come back as a kick ass fighter after I pay my dues. Understanding what I know now about this game, I wish I would have attempted it out in the course of 1.0. Despite its shortcomings, it sounds like the players had several amazing occasions.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Darkfall Unholy Wars: Aventurine SA and a possibly imminent Class Action Lawsuit

Hello, I am speaking on behalf of me and some colleagues of mine that over time have compiled together, documented, solid evidence that show Aventurinen faults when it comes to running a company. From fraud to complete consumer misuse and everything in between, we believe we have more than enough information to file a Class Action Lawsuit against the wish-washy company. Over time, we have gathered over 50 supporters from outside our group that have provided more evidence and support.

We come to the community today to ask this simple question: Do you want this to happen? We have the means to do it. What would you like to see come out of it?

As well, we are giving the greater community a chance to submit anything they deem worthy to us and it may be added into the lawsuit.
Aventurine has gone un-scathed for far too long.

We have done this because there has already been countless attempts to get Aventurines attention that the community is fed up with their actions, and sadly this seems to be the only way to affect them.

What would you like done, community?

Seems like a silly idea, aren't there some abused animals somewhere that need saving?

"Every inconvenience is a challenge, and Darkfall Unholy Wars gold games are made of challenges. This means that every inconvenience in your design is potentially someone’s game" Raph Koster

Bitter Vet ™ since 2006

"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

Why exactly would you be interested in suing them?  I'm asking about specifics here.  You may as well cover those bases so as not to have them repeated by others.  What reasons do you already have for going after them in court?  Specific reasons?

So the point of a class-action lawsuit is usually to gain compensary damages due to pain and suffering.  Since there couldn't possibly be physical damages - injuries - due to AV's negligence or fraud, then you are asking for mental damages.  To get this, you need to prove mental pain and suffering including fright, nervousness, grief, emotional trauma, anxiety, humiliation, or indignity.

So tell me ... what exactly did they do to cause you such mental pain?
Or perhaps you are interested in punitive damages to "teach them a lesson." So you will need to prove that their conduct is particularly willful, wanton, malicious, vindictive, or oppressive. Good luck with that.

Honestly, you sound like a guy in college who took a pre-law class and now you want to flex your new mental muscles.  Should you deserve a refund if you demand it?  Yes.  If they deny that refund, could you sue and get your money?  Yes.  But in the end, a class action suit would only mean a lot of people banning together to get their money back.  No way in hell they'd allow it to go that far.  They'd just give you your money back.

So basically, you are just full of shit.  Go back to your video DFUW gold games and forget law ... you are just trying to show how far you can piss.

Recommended Site:

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Beta forums are up, Link accounts sign NDA go go go

Title says it all. New lobby, new forums, NDA probably up too (haven't seen it yet) beta here we come

To link your account to the beta forums login here go to your profile, link your Darkfall Unholy Wars gold Forums account at the bottom. Beta forums are on the Darkfall forums that we all use and love.

I thought the beta was supposed to start on the 17th, another missed deadline, or just more misinformation.

Yes it was supposed to start the 17th they delayed all day chasing some bug and couldnt replicate it so they are releasing it to the public now.  Should be going live here shortly.

They missed it by a few hours due to a persistence bug (so they claimed). I actually think they didn't lie about this one because their recent update was "screw the presisentce bug, its beta" after serveral posts on the forums said as much.

No troll, I obviously can't link it to you becuase there isn't an official post by AV on the subject (as I'm typiing this there isn't). But if you have a beta account you can link your forum account to your DFUW gold account and get access to the beta forums, the new lobby is being downloaded by everyone as we speek as well (slow as hell though).

More info at :

Monday, January 7, 2013

DFUW crashes on start

Anyone else having this problem after install?Win, lose or draw, as long as you squabble and get down, that's gangsta

I've done all compatibilities and also run as administrator. No luck so far. I'm also using an SSD, Nvidia SLI.

Windows 8, 64bit. Tried to run as an admin and in compability mode. Did not work.

Coolermaster Cosmos S
MSI 277A-G43, I5 3570k @4.4GHz
TeamGroup Elite 8GB DDR3 PC3-12800 1600MHz
ASUS GeForce GTX 660Ti 2048MB

Karma for hating on the game so much after the delay. yup got my eyes on u O_O

More info about DFUW gold at

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Darkfall video offers walkthrough for clan management strategy

Darkfall: Unholy Wars is one of those games that can be explained as greatest enjoyed with a clan, so clan management is an important topic. In that vein, Darkfall is giving clans a consolidated interface with many different features to find, create, & manage clans.

Players wanting to find a clan are given access to information about feasible alternatives such as how much dominion the clan has accrued, leader names, the charter, & how loads of members are in it. Once you find a match, you can apply directly from the interface. Can not find what you need? Clans can also be designed on the spot from this window, as long as the DFUW gold player has 2,000 gold in his or her backpack.

Other features available by way of this interface are an accounting of clan members' PvP kills ranking, & dominion earned for the clan. Leaders also have the ability to grant clan permissions on an individual basis as well as evaluation and accept or decline applicants. There is also a particular politics tab that contains a clan kill-on-site list. Take a check out all these particulars & more in the video after the break.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Darkfall Unholy Wars:why dont I have beta access?

ive been away for a lengthy time, yet i heard excellent factors about the new df so decided to check it out. I've 2 accounts, both played in the original beta, each during the slideshow at release, & for months after that. how come i havnt been given beta access this time? is it only for individuals who had a current sub?

its how the net works, and its mostly the case with darkfall. some men and women have been dry humping this game for years. all the frustration leads to anger.

i wasnt requesting beta access, i wouldnt play it, i know the DFUW gold game will nonetheless be in checking one or two months after 'release' so ill just wait till then. it wouldve just been interesting to read the beta forums as i know from the last release theres never something beneficial in the public sections.

from my experience in darkfall, most individuals play beta to find bugs they can abuse at release, not to find bugs & report it to av so they could be remedied. i dont realise why this beta would be any unique.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Darkfall Unholy Wars: Why do i have to create everytime i log in?

Well , just like the title says i am only offered the Create option everytime i log in, my old toon is gone??

Just try to get familiar with the system and try and save yourself the heartache and wait until things get sorted out with the beta.

FYI, they are supposed to be putting another patch in as soon as tomorrow potentially, and that's going to come with another wipe.  There may be several more wipes, for all we know, and we know there will be one at the end of beta before launch.  Best you can do now is test the game's systems and report bugs as they come up until things stabilize.  I wouldn't get attached to your items or progression.

tommorrow wipe should be last 1 if things go well

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