Saturday, November 24, 2012

Watch the First Gameplay Video for “Darkfall Unholy Wars” MMORPG

Darkfall Unholy Wars is a new MMORPG title for PC from Aventurine developer. The Darkfall Unholy Wars gold game is set to be released on November 20 and will be available via digital download.

To raise the hype around its new title, Aventurine has just released the first gameplay video for Darkfall Unholy Wars. The new video shows off for the first time critical info on the DFUW gold game’s Role System.

Among the many classes that players can choose to incarnate in this MMORPG, the Warrior will surely attract those who prefer heavy melee combat.

As Warrior, one can also specialize in one school. Some of the abilities that the Warriors get if they opt for the Baresark school are now explained in this short gameplay video.

Baresarks are masters of close combat, and are specialized in dealing with multiple enemies. Check out the video above to learn how to use some of these abilities.

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