Monday, October 29, 2012

FoV new technology in beta + updates WvW ranking

It is now possible for Guild Wars 2 to participate in a beta test of the new field of view technology, which will provide a better gaming experience on wide screen monitors. Out what you can, you will learn in this article, in which there is also the current WvW ranking!

FoV new technology in beta test

As the German Community Manager Ramon Domke announced today that players can now participate in a beta test of the new FoV technology. As already mentioned, this will improve the experience for widescreen monitors.

Through the test will ArenaNet collect feedback and then decide whether the technology should be made available to all gw2 gold players. Communicated to the most, it is necessary to activate the mechanism with the aid of a special command parameter in the link of the GW2 clients. Also exactly how it works, Domke said:

Here is a brief guide:
Creates a link to your Guild Wars 2 client (right click - "Create Shortcut">)
Right click on the link to the Guild Wars 2 Client
Click on "Properties"
Will select the "target"
It should already contain a file path to your link looks something like this: C: GamesGw2Gw2.exe
Writes end of this line the following command:-testVerticalFov
Ensures that their exe with a space between *. And test fits
The path should look like this: C: GamesGw2Gw2.exe-testVerticalFov
Please note that your file path either quotation marks or not. If it contains quotation marks, this command should be located outside the Anfürungszeichen. Something like this: "C: GamesGw2Gw2.exe" testVerticalFov
After you have added the command line parameter, click on -> OK
That's it! Goes with these new settings back into the game and let us know your feedback in this thread.
If you would like to leave that option again, simply delete the command line parameter-testVerticalFov and Starts your gw2 gold game.
News WvW ranking (26/10/2012)

On weekends ArenaNet's Mike Ferguson presented the official forum the latest ranking of the worlds in the World vs. World as at 26.10.2012 is available.
Who among European worlds currently has a nose ahead, you learn directly in the following statistics. If you are interested the American worlds, you will find an appropriate list in Ferguson's post on the official forums.

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