Monday, February 25, 2013

Darkfall Unholy Wars: New Developer Diary

Major update of Darkfall, Unholy Wars is long overdue Darkfall Unholy Wars gold players. Originally scheduled for late November, the release was postponed several times before finally being available as a closed beta. Changes with this update are so important that all the DFUW gold players' accounts had to be reset. The developers are now offering a new video presentation which allows more time to appreciate the work done on the graphical overhaul of the title. We also learn a bit more about the new guild system whose aim is to strengthen the competitive aspect between guilds and thus generate more conflict between them.

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Friday, February 22, 2013

Darkfall Unholy Wars Update Feb 21

So can anyone with access to beta forums tell us what (if any) significant changes were implemented? Was launch finally addressed and given a date?

Still no launch date and didnt bother logging in after reading the patch notes.

No significant changes... come back in a couple if months would be my honest suggestion.

The only thing that matters is Tasos' raw lifting power.. Do you even lift?

If you want to learn more news about Darkfall Unholy Wars gold,buy DFUW gold, pls go to

Thursday, February 21, 2013

MMOs comparable to DarkFall's full-loot PvP rule-set

Since DarkFall: Unholy Wars is still in Beta (and under NDA) with no expectation of a release anytime soon... I thought it would be intriguing to compile a list of MMOs that have a similar PvP rule-set.

I will edit the list to add (or subtract) MMOs that have a compelling argument on why they will need to be added or subtracted.

The only caveat is that they have to be released, or at least in some form of playable Beta to be considered.

Add Wurm online to Terrible Sandbox ahaha
& Add Darkfall Onlines to games shut down, RIP DFO.
& if youd like i guess you may put Minecraft someplace in there.
Although genuinely not to quite a few games like Darkfall, Mortal online or Eve, they're just approach to indy & not to a good deal of corporations attempt to take such risks of making such daring & relentless games, as a result why there are so couple of. At the moment Eve stands at the most refined sandbox relentless game also, to negative its more of a interface game then a twitch based Darkfall Unholy Wars gold game, however prefrence does matter, quite a few do want to play a more statagy based pvp game.

Can another person confirm deny this about these 2 MMOs? I was going to add Lineage 2, although after reading up on it once more; I decided it wasn't quite in the same rule-set as DarkFall.

I haven't spent much time with Age of Wushu, so I'd like to hear from at least one other source if it should be removed. Reading up on it from these forums here, & on it's web site it seems like it's comparible.

Yeah it's definately a minimal sub-genre. To me the only existing full loot game worthy of serious attention is EVE, although that is not only since it's full loot nonetheless for the reason that it is such a excellent DFUW gold game in quite a few other methods. I know a large number of men and women don't like the complete spaceship factor & that playing a humanoid avatar is commonly more fun, but does that mean we ought to accept broken games made by clown institutions just due to the fact they feature full loot?

Occasionally I think the DF fans are junkies; they abide by DF because it's "the only full loot fantasy game" (which is not), not due to the fact it's a fantastic game.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Still MMORPG.COM's most hyped game!

Even after the "ok lets beta rather than launch" disaster (&, err, other more local problems) the game is the quantity 1 hyped Darkfall Unholy Wars gold game.

I just can not wait until the re-launch! Also, if they survive on Steam longer than WarZ did it will show AV knows what they are doing.

I nonetheless don't realize why somebody would want a refund for a BETA product. It's like obtaining raw uncooked meat at the marketplace and asking for a refund since it isn't cooked however.

The definition of insanity: doing the same factor over & over expecting distinct results.

"Hype" is more of an indication of what men and women are looking forward to at any given moment. Living up to the hype is a fairly distinct factor. Look at GW2 as an example. DF1 had a very modest, niche, however loyal playerbase. I anticipate DF2 will end up the same. That isn't honestly a remarkable thing, though everything we've noticed so far supports it.

Df UW is indeed not DF 1.0 However many thing that perfectly work in DF 1.0 shouldn't have transformed ot touched in DF 2.0.

E.g. race models, now all race share the same human body, all seems a human clone, impossible to recognize a race when is full geared, & at the same time impossible to recognize your own alliance or buddies.

Also the GUI is one other terrible adjust, having 8 abilities binded in a radial circle and eight in antoher is unfriedly and stupid, like unfriedly & stupid is the new loot/bank windows, seems a mobile OS interface, invasive, instead of a sandbox mmorpg. The old 1, drag and drop was not perfect but worked rather well.

Very disappointed, on the other hand quite a few adjustments like the new combat method & roles is welcome (not entirely since crafting skills have no limits, poor for the economy).

Hope they listen to feedbacks & revert/resolve many negative choices for a better gaming experience and immersion.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Torrent download link - Update 16th December

Hello everyone, 

We've put up a torrent to make things a tiny easier for those getting slow download speeds. The Website address is: 

After you download it, launch DFUW to install. 

If you have already fitted and started patching, you can quietly cease the lobby, use the torrent to download the data files, then copy them into Program Filies / Darkfall Unholy Wars / details before restarting the lobby. 

We've also been working on the error messages that you are reporting, the majority of the timeouts are thanks to the heavy load, and must clear up Thank you for all of the feedback & to the community members posting workarounds that worked for them . 

We are working on a couple of serious bugs that we found during final checking in the beta version, they need to do with item persistence. We anticipate we'll have these remedied in time for tomorrow's beta launch. 

There will be at NDA you are obliged to click to agree to before participating in the beta. We'll lift this as soon as doable. We're also hoping to have a private forum for everyone participating in the beta in time for tomorrow, we want to link the DFUW gold accounts with the forum accounts, though for the moment the bugs I mentioned earlier are our top priority and everybody is on them. 

So we are working on such as Paysafe Card and other alternative payment procedures, we need to have these accessible inside the pre-order period. We apologize for the delay. 

That's all for now, we'll keep you informed of the status through updates like this 1. 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Video system crafting

Aventurine Studios just released a video to show us the crafting system in action in the MMORPG Darkfall: Unholy War. Remove the axes, saws and hammers because we had to cut out.

17 crafting skills, master 12 levels, 75 unique material databases, 410 crafting recipes, 626 unique items to create. All at the end of the video can get a nice boat and boarding.

Additional reading about Darkfall Unholy Wars gold,buy DFUW gold, pls go to

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Darkfall Unholy Wars: Darkfall accounts now unite and reap rewards - video explains procedure

Developer Aventurine SA has issued a video that explain the how to register an account for the upcoming MMORPG Darkfall Unholy Wars and connects with an old account of Darkfall Online. Who puts together the accounts gets a discount on the pre-order version of Unholy Wars granted and can get access to the beta so desire and a reserved name.

Players of Darkfall Online can now connect their old account with a new account for Darkfall Unholy Wars. Reason for the merger is that Darkfall Online is switched off when the successor Darkfall Unholy Wars gold goes live. Who's accounts already connects receive a discount on the pre-order version of Unholy Wars, which allows access to the beta test, and the reservation of a desired domain name. To explain the operation of the Account link, developer Aventurine SA has published a video.

The video below this article explains step by step how she puts together the accounts. The pre-order version is also available on the website of Darkfall Unholy Wars gold, whose purchase grants you a place in the beta started on 18.12.2012. Should you have trouble connecting your accounts, open the Advanced options that introduce you to the developers in the video. Further details are available on the official website of Aventurine SA. More information about the game can be found on our topics page to Darkfall Unholy Wars.